Thursday, September 25, 2008

DQ reading update 9-25

Well I was reading Don Quixote as instructed and I read two passages that I found interesting. The first was on pages 46 trough 52 concerning the burning of our brave knight errants library. I wonder why Cervantes dedicated all of this time to the criticism of his peers. The second part that I found interesting is the story of Don Quixote and the goat herders. The soliloquy that our knight preforms regarding all of the values of the Golden age and how they differ from the age in which he currently resides, the age of iron. From the middle of page 76 till the end of 77 Don Quixote explains how much better things were in the age of gold. How maidens could roam about the country side dressed in only vines and leaves for their entire lives and never have to fear being accosted by evil doers.

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