Monday, September 15, 2008

Myth of Creation Inspires Rock and Roll

Proof that Myth inspires many things in the modern world can found in the Rock music of AC/DC. Most people would claim that AC/DC is not the most thought provoking music out there but their song "Let there be Rock" is directly inspired by the creation myth out of the bible. The lyrics read:

In the beginning

Back in nineteen fifty-five

Man didn't know about a rock 'n' roll show

And all that jive

The white man had the smoltz

The black man had the blues

No one knew what they was gonna do

But Tchaikovsky had the news

He said -"let there be light", and there was light

"Let there be sound", and there was sound

"Let there be drums", and there was drums

"Let there be guitars", and there was guitars

"Let there be rock"

And it came to pass.

Wow, neat who would have thought. Also would like to say that the video for this song is a hoot if you are a fan of AC/DC and or Rock and Roll in general.
I'm trying to post the video in my blog but until I figure that trick out here is the link to the youtube site.

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